Monday, March 22, 2010

Lesson 6: Zacharias and Elizabeth's Promise

This week we started a new topic called "Cousin John". The aim of this topic is to teach our children about John the Baptist's life.

In our lesson we leaned that the angels came to Zacharias and Elizabeth and told them that they would have a baby and they should call his name John.

For our first activity we got a coloured piece of paper and glued some pictures of families onto it. We learned that "God loves families". While we did this we talked about what we love about our families.

Our next activity was something extra special! We got a big red love heart and glued lots of glitter onto it and put some colourful ribbon on to make a beautiful necklace! When we had our beautiful necklaces on we all pretended to be angels, because angels are beautiful!

We had a very special Memory Verse this week; a brand new one!
Our new Memory Verse is;
"There is one God" Deuteronomy 6:4!

Where will the Traveling Train take us next week?!

God Bless,
Brooke, Danielle and Brigette

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Lesson 5: Special Visitors

This lesson we learned about the three wise men and how they traveled a long, long way to see baby Jesus.

In our story there were three men who wore beautiful clothes and were very wise. They heard the good news that baby Jesus had been born and they wanted to take him some gifts to Bethlehem. The only problem was they didn't know how to get there! One night a big star appeared in the sky. This star was special and much brighter than all the others. the three wise men knew this star would lead them to Bethlehem, and sure enough, after a long journey they arrived to meet baby Jesus and give him their gifts.

After our story we decorated some beautiful stars just like the one the three men followed in the sky! We made sure to make it extra colourful as this was a special star!

For our next activity we were shown a picture of baby Jesus. Then we had to look all around the room trying to find a picture of baby Jesus like the one we were shown. We searched and searched and searched just like the wise men did when they were trying to get to Bethlehem!

Afterward we found a present wrapped in bright red paper! We all took turns of unwrapping it a little at a time making sure everyone had a turn! The present turned out to be out snack and we had great fun eating our yummy tiny teddies!!!!

Our Memory Verse for this week was;
"For unto us a child is born" Isaiah 9:6

Where will the Traveling Train take us next week?!

God Bless,
Brooke, Danielle and Brigette

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Lesson 4: Angels Visit Shepherds

This lesson we learned about when the Angels visited the Shepherds!

In our story, the shepherds were in the field watching over their sheep when all of a sudden angels appeared in the sky! They told the shepherds "Do not be afraid!" The angels had good news for the shepherds; Jesus was born!!
After our story we noticed that we had many sheep scattered hiding throughout our room! (cotton wool balls) we collected all the sheep and put then in the sheep fold so they were nice and safe! Just like the shepherds do every night so they can watch over their sheep!
After the sheep were safe we coloured a piece of coloured paper and rolled it up like a mega-phone! The same kind as the angels have. We proclaimed good news to the rest of the class! Good News! Good News!
For our next activity we put cotton wool balls on a paper plate to make a sheep mask! We cut out eyes and a mouth! Now we can play angels, shepherds and sheep at home!

For our snack we made sheep out of pretzel sticks and marshmallows! Then we heard some more good news; we were allowed to eat them! Yummy!! Our Memory Verse for this week is; "For unto us a child is born" Isiah 9:6! Everyone remembered this week!
Where will the Travelling Train take us next week?!
God Bless, Brooke, Danielle and Brigette

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Lesson 3: Jesus Is Born

This lesson we learned about the birth of Jesus.

In our story, Mary and Joseph finally finished their long trip and were looking for a place to stay, but there was no room in any of the hotels! Mary and Joseph had to sleep in a barn with all the animals!

We decorated a picture of a cake and sang Happy Birthday to baby Jesus!

Then we made out own babies out of pegs! We had a peg for the body, then a soft makeup pad for the head with a little smiling face on it! Then we wrapped up our baby in blanket, just like Mary would of wrapped up baby Jesus!

This weeks Memory Verse is the same:
"For unto us a child is born" Isiah 9:6!
All the children remembered which was great!

Where will the Traveling Train take us next week?!

God Bless,
Brooke, Danielle and Brigette