Monday, August 23, 2010

Little Sparks of Creativity

Here are some of the great and fun activities we have been doing in Sunday School lately with all our friends!

News and Current Affairs (:

We have started a new unit in Sunday School this term.
We have been talking about Noah's Ark.

The first lesson we talked about how God called Noah and God wanted Noah to build a great, big boat called an Ark. God told him this because he was going to send a BIG flood to the earth. God wasn't happy with what the people of the earth were doing so he said he would send a flood to destroy everything so they could all start again.

Then we talked about how Noah's three son's helped him with the ark. We sang some new songs about Noah and his sons and we even learned some cool actions!

Noah pleaded for all the people to come onto the ark but they wouldn't listen. They laughed and said "There hasn't been any rain so how can there be a flood?!" They made fun of Noah and wouldn't listen to him, but Noah still obeyed God's word.

Once Noah had built God's ark we learned that he had to find two of every kind of animal! Even snakes, rats and spiders! Noah had to find one girl and one boy animal of every kind and bring them onto the ark.

When all the animals were safely on the ark it started to rain. It rained and rained and rained for FORTY days and FORTY nights and the water went up and up and UP!! soon enough there was water covering the WHOLE earth!!

Noah, his wife, his three sons and their three wives and all the animals stayed on the ark for a very long time until one day the rain stopped and the sun came out. Up in the sky amongst the clouds, a beautiful rainbow filled the sky! It had many beautiful colours and it was a symbol of God's promise to man; That he would never destroy the world with a flood ever again!

We have been practicing out Bible words and our Memory Verse is;
"Do not be afraid"
Genesis 15:1

We have been doing many fun and exciting activities such as colouring in, making animal masks, making rainbows and even making animals out or play-dough!

We all can't wait to start our new topic next week! What a surprise it will be!!

God Bless,
-Brooke, Donna, Susanne