Monday, August 23, 2010

Little Sparks of Creativity

Here are some of the great and fun activities we have been doing in Sunday School lately with all our friends!

News and Current Affairs (:

We have started a new unit in Sunday School this term.
We have been talking about Noah's Ark.

The first lesson we talked about how God called Noah and God wanted Noah to build a great, big boat called an Ark. God told him this because he was going to send a BIG flood to the earth. God wasn't happy with what the people of the earth were doing so he said he would send a flood to destroy everything so they could all start again.

Then we talked about how Noah's three son's helped him with the ark. We sang some new songs about Noah and his sons and we even learned some cool actions!

Noah pleaded for all the people to come onto the ark but they wouldn't listen. They laughed and said "There hasn't been any rain so how can there be a flood?!" They made fun of Noah and wouldn't listen to him, but Noah still obeyed God's word.

Once Noah had built God's ark we learned that he had to find two of every kind of animal! Even snakes, rats and spiders! Noah had to find one girl and one boy animal of every kind and bring them onto the ark.

When all the animals were safely on the ark it started to rain. It rained and rained and rained for FORTY days and FORTY nights and the water went up and up and UP!! soon enough there was water covering the WHOLE earth!!

Noah, his wife, his three sons and their three wives and all the animals stayed on the ark for a very long time until one day the rain stopped and the sun came out. Up in the sky amongst the clouds, a beautiful rainbow filled the sky! It had many beautiful colours and it was a symbol of God's promise to man; That he would never destroy the world with a flood ever again!

We have been practicing out Bible words and our Memory Verse is;
"Do not be afraid"
Genesis 15:1

We have been doing many fun and exciting activities such as colouring in, making animal masks, making rainbows and even making animals out or play-dough!

We all can't wait to start our new topic next week! What a surprise it will be!!

God Bless,
-Brooke, Donna, Susanne

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

God Loves Everyone

This week we talked about our friends.

We talked about how to be nice to everyone and to love everyone and always be nice to our

In our story, Jesus was going on a long trip when he and his friends stopped by a well to get a drink of water. There was a lady at the well and Jesus asked her for a drink. The lady did not know Jesus or who he was and she did not normally speak to people like Jesus but Jesus showed her how to be nice and how to love everybody. Jesus got a drink of water but the lady got a new friend.

In our activity we coloured in a piece of paper that said "You're my friend". We wrote the name of one of our friends underneath it and then glued it onto a cup so that we could give it to them and be nice friends to everyone.

We practiced our Memory Verse;
"love one another" John 15:12

Where will the Traveling Train take us next week?!

God Bless,
-Brooke, Donna, Susanne

I Show God's Love

This week we talked about showing God's love.

We talked about ways that we can show love to each other. We can show love by;
-Giving someone a hug
-Patting someone on the back
-Saying I love you
-Shaking hands
-Blowing kisses
-Waving hello
-Giving someone a high five
-Putting our arms around someone

There was a big new poster on the wall with lots of different faces on it. There were smiling faces, sad faces, angry faces, hurt faces, sick faces and tired faces. We looked at all the faces and thought about how we could show our love and what we could do to make every face happy again!

Because we were talking about love, our special snack was fairy bread in love heart shapes! It was very yummy!!

We practiced out Memory Verse;
"love one another" John 15:12

Where will the Traveling Train take us next week?!

God Bless,
-Brooke, Donna, Susanne

God Loves Me

In our lesson this week we learned about Children.

In our story, Jesus was talking to a BIG group of people in the market place and all the little children (just like our friends in Sunday School) ran up to meet him and to listen to what he was saying. But some of Jesus' friends told all the little children to go away! They said that children should not be near Jesus, because he needed to talk to the older people. Sometimes big people get so busy that they forget what is important. But not Jesus! Jesus told his friends to get out of the way so all the little children could com around him. "Little children are the best at loving God" Jesus told them, and after all Jesus' friends were sorry they did not let the children see Jesus. This story helped us to know that Jesus loves all the children of the world, and he especially loves us! For our first activity we got to draw on a big love heart pictures of who we love! It was so much fun and all the pictures looked great!

Then we practiced our Memory Verse;

"Love one another" John 15:12

Where will the Traveling Train take us next week?!

God Bless,

-Brooke, Donna, Susanne

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Term 2, Lesson 1

There have been many changes in our class this term! We haven't had Sunday School over the holidays so we all got a two week break, and we were all very excited for the new term! We welcomed our new teachers Sister Sue and Sister Donna to our class and said goodbye to Sis Danielle. We also had Jackson turn five so we had a farewell ceremony and he was taken to be moved up into the next class! It was all very exciting! This new term we will be learning lots of songs and we will all be practicing the books of the Bible, because it's very important to learn them!


In our lesson this week we learned about John the Baptist and how he was Jesus' cousin. We learned about his life and how he baptized people in Jesus Name!

For out first activity we all got to baptize a doll just like John the Baptist did! we said;

"I now baptize you in the name of Jesus for the remission of your sins!" and made sure that we put the whole body under the water!

We learned some new songs as well! We learned "The Best Book to Read is the Bible" and we sang "If You're Happy and You Know it"

We also got a new Memory Verse;
"Love one another"
and we showed how we can love each other by nice words and hugging and being kind!

Where will the Travelling Train take us next week?!

God Bless,

Brooke, Susanne, Donna

Saturday, April 3, 2010

Lesson 7: John is Born

In our lesson today we learned about Zacharias and Elizabeth. In our story an angel came to Zacharias to tell him he was going to have a baby. Zacharias did not believe the angel so God closed Zacharias' mouth! He couldn't talk any more! If he wanted to communicate he had to write down what he wanted to say or draw pictures. Sure enough, Elizabeth had a baby. Everyone asked them what they would call the baby. Zacharias wrote down "Call the baby John" and as soon as he chose the name God wanted he could speak again!

For our first activity we drew pictures on black paper with chalk. We imagined that we couldn't talk and we communicated with our pictures. We drew pictures of food, drink and bed to say if we were hungry, thirsty or tired!

Our next activity was to do with our names. In our story we learned that John was a special baby because God named him. We had a piecve of paper with our name on it and we coloured it in to make it look special because our names are special too!

We had a special friend in our class today! A little baby named John! We all got to hold John and gently pat his hands and head. We loved out baby friend, just like John from our story!

We practiced our Memory Verse:
"There is one God" Deuteronomy 6:4

Where will the Traveling Train take us next week?!

God Bless,
Brooke, Danielle and Brigette

Monday, March 22, 2010

Lesson 6: Zacharias and Elizabeth's Promise

This week we started a new topic called "Cousin John". The aim of this topic is to teach our children about John the Baptist's life.

In our lesson we leaned that the angels came to Zacharias and Elizabeth and told them that they would have a baby and they should call his name John.

For our first activity we got a coloured piece of paper and glued some pictures of families onto it. We learned that "God loves families". While we did this we talked about what we love about our families.

Our next activity was something extra special! We got a big red love heart and glued lots of glitter onto it and put some colourful ribbon on to make a beautiful necklace! When we had our beautiful necklaces on we all pretended to be angels, because angels are beautiful!

We had a very special Memory Verse this week; a brand new one!
Our new Memory Verse is;
"There is one God" Deuteronomy 6:4!

Where will the Traveling Train take us next week?!

God Bless,
Brooke, Danielle and Brigette

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Lesson 5: Special Visitors

This lesson we learned about the three wise men and how they traveled a long, long way to see baby Jesus.

In our story there were three men who wore beautiful clothes and were very wise. They heard the good news that baby Jesus had been born and they wanted to take him some gifts to Bethlehem. The only problem was they didn't know how to get there! One night a big star appeared in the sky. This star was special and much brighter than all the others. the three wise men knew this star would lead them to Bethlehem, and sure enough, after a long journey they arrived to meet baby Jesus and give him their gifts.

After our story we decorated some beautiful stars just like the one the three men followed in the sky! We made sure to make it extra colourful as this was a special star!

For our next activity we were shown a picture of baby Jesus. Then we had to look all around the room trying to find a picture of baby Jesus like the one we were shown. We searched and searched and searched just like the wise men did when they were trying to get to Bethlehem!

Afterward we found a present wrapped in bright red paper! We all took turns of unwrapping it a little at a time making sure everyone had a turn! The present turned out to be out snack and we had great fun eating our yummy tiny teddies!!!!

Our Memory Verse for this week was;
"For unto us a child is born" Isaiah 9:6

Where will the Traveling Train take us next week?!

God Bless,
Brooke, Danielle and Brigette

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Lesson 4: Angels Visit Shepherds

This lesson we learned about when the Angels visited the Shepherds!

In our story, the shepherds were in the field watching over their sheep when all of a sudden angels appeared in the sky! They told the shepherds "Do not be afraid!" The angels had good news for the shepherds; Jesus was born!!
After our story we noticed that we had many sheep scattered hiding throughout our room! (cotton wool balls) we collected all the sheep and put then in the sheep fold so they were nice and safe! Just like the shepherds do every night so they can watch over their sheep!
After the sheep were safe we coloured a piece of coloured paper and rolled it up like a mega-phone! The same kind as the angels have. We proclaimed good news to the rest of the class! Good News! Good News!
For our next activity we put cotton wool balls on a paper plate to make a sheep mask! We cut out eyes and a mouth! Now we can play angels, shepherds and sheep at home!

For our snack we made sheep out of pretzel sticks and marshmallows! Then we heard some more good news; we were allowed to eat them! Yummy!! Our Memory Verse for this week is; "For unto us a child is born" Isiah 9:6! Everyone remembered this week!
Where will the Travelling Train take us next week?!
God Bless, Brooke, Danielle and Brigette

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Lesson 3: Jesus Is Born

This lesson we learned about the birth of Jesus.

In our story, Mary and Joseph finally finished their long trip and were looking for a place to stay, but there was no room in any of the hotels! Mary and Joseph had to sleep in a barn with all the animals!

We decorated a picture of a cake and sang Happy Birthday to baby Jesus!

Then we made out own babies out of pegs! We had a peg for the body, then a soft makeup pad for the head with a little smiling face on it! Then we wrapped up our baby in blanket, just like Mary would of wrapped up baby Jesus!

This weeks Memory Verse is the same:
"For unto us a child is born" Isiah 9:6!
All the children remembered which was great!

Where will the Traveling Train take us next week?!

God Bless,
Brooke, Danielle and Brigette

Monday, February 22, 2010

Lesson 2: Mary and Joseph Take a Trip

This lesson we learned about Journeys

In our story, Mary and Joseph went to Bethlehem. We talked about trips we have been on before and how we can get places. Mary and Joseph didn't have cars, airplanes or boats! They had to ride a donkey or walk.

We coloured a picture of Mary and Joseph riding their donkey to Bethlehem and everyone had a go and writing their name!

After our story we talked about what we pack when we go on a long journey and thought about the things Mary and Joseph would of taken with them! Then we all packed a picnick and the travelling train took us on a journey outside under the shady trees! We searched every where for our apples and then we found them in the class room. For out picnick we had apples, peaches and pear! Yummy!

Our memory verse for this week is the same verse as last week, but this time we chose the first half:
"For unto us a child is born" Isiah 9:6!

Where will the Travelling Train take us next week?

God Bless,
Brooke, Danielle and Brigette

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Lesson 1: A Baby is Coming

A Baby is Coming

This lesson we learned about Choices!

In our story an angel came to Mary and told her that she is going to have a baby! Mary wondered why and how, and the angel told her it was because God had chosen her.

Our friend Conductor Kelley came to talk to us about how she loves trains and that must be what God chose for her to do! Drive trains!

we coloured in a picture of a train and learned that "God chose me, for you!"

We played "Angel, Angel, Mary" and the children got to chose who they wanted to chase them.

We made a special train with our arms and we went around the room! Choo Choo!!

Our memory verse was "Jesus is born" (Isiah 9:6)

Where will the Traveling Train take us next week?

God Bless,
Brooke, Danielle and Bridgette

Welcome to Sunday School!

All aboard the Traveling Train!

This term our theme is trains! The Traveling Train will help our little ones to dive into God's Word in a new and exciting way! By using this theme, the children will learn about the journey of life in Christ!

Our first unit is entitled "A Special Baby" and we talk about the importance of the birth of Jesus!

Unit Two is "Cousin John" where we all learn about the life of John the Baptist!

The third and final unit is called "God is Love" where we aim to teach our little ones about God's amazing love!

We use activities, games and role plays to help the children remember the lessons easily and also make sure it's pack full of FUN! Every lesson

Memory Verses

We use memory verses so the children can remember the lesson and also to teach them the importance of the Bible! Of course some scriptures are too long for younger children to remember, so we abbreviate them to make them shorter, but still keep the central focus point.

For example:

"For unto us a child is born, unto us a son is given" would be abbreviated to "Jesus is born"

God Bless!

Brooke, Danielle and Brigette