Wednesday, June 2, 2010

I Show God's Love

This week we talked about showing God's love.

We talked about ways that we can show love to each other. We can show love by;
-Giving someone a hug
-Patting someone on the back
-Saying I love you
-Shaking hands
-Blowing kisses
-Waving hello
-Giving someone a high five
-Putting our arms around someone

There was a big new poster on the wall with lots of different faces on it. There were smiling faces, sad faces, angry faces, hurt faces, sick faces and tired faces. We looked at all the faces and thought about how we could show our love and what we could do to make every face happy again!

Because we were talking about love, our special snack was fairy bread in love heart shapes! It was very yummy!!

We practiced out Memory Verse;
"love one another" John 15:12

Where will the Traveling Train take us next week?!

God Bless,
-Brooke, Donna, Susanne

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