Thursday, March 17, 2011

God's Camping Rules

When we go camping there are rules that we must obey so that we can enjoy the area around us, where we can light a fire safely, keeping the area clean etc. God has given us instructions on how He wants us to live in the beautiful world He has given us.
Last week we learnt about Noah, God gave Noah the words to tell the people that God wasn't happy with them because they did not obey Him, but they did not listen.
God's laws are there to protect us and keep us safe, Noah obeyed God and he was safe in the ark against the flood. We learnt that God will not forget His children.
Memory verses are a way we can keep God's words in our hearts, congratulations to Lachlan, Gabby, Peter and Hayden for learning their memory verse: "God saw everything that He had made, and behold it was very good" Gen 1:31.

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