Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Out of Egypt!!!

Wow, what a lot of things have happened to the Israelites since Pharoah's daughter saved baby Moses from the river!

God answered the cry of the Israelites for deliverance however it wasn't answered in a way they thought it would be. God answers prayer in His own way and time. We have to learn and know that no matter what, He will answer. Our lessons have focussed around teaching the children to know that God will answer those who cry out to Him.

Moses was God's chosen leader of His people. God sent plagues on the Egyptians to force stubborn Pharoah to let His people go.

God lead them through the wilderness, a cloud by day and fire by night.

He made a way for them to cross the Red Sea safely!

When they had no more food God sent manna from heaven and water from a rock.

Sis Robin and I look forward to continuing the journey with the children as we 'camp out' with the Israelites on their way to the Promised Land. Have a happy and safe Easter.

Prov 29:25 'Whoso putteth his trust in the Lord shall be safe.' Good work Gabby, Peter, Lachlan H, Olivia, Lachlan D and Jer 33:3 'Call unto me and I will answer thee.' Lachlan D and Peter Yeah!!!!!

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