Friday, November 18, 2011

Wrapping Up!!!

Where has the year gone!
We have been camping all year on God's Land and following His people as they find their way to a land God had promised.

This Term we welcome Levi and Mitchell to our class, they have just had their third birthday.
We are now focussed on preparations for our Sunday School Presentation on the 18th December, you are going to love it please keep it in your calendar! Here is a clue it has to do with a big boat and lots of animals.

Could you please help by making sure your child attends every week
so that they can learn their songs and parts.
Our Bible Words are also an important part of the presentation please help your child to learn them: '....and His name shall be called Wonderful, Counsellor, the Mighty God, the Everlasting Father, the Prince of Peace.' Is 10:6b.

See you on the 18th December (if not before)
God Bless

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Out of Egypt!!!

Wow, what a lot of things have happened to the Israelites since Pharoah's daughter saved baby Moses from the river!

God answered the cry of the Israelites for deliverance however it wasn't answered in a way they thought it would be. God answers prayer in His own way and time. We have to learn and know that no matter what, He will answer. Our lessons have focussed around teaching the children to know that God will answer those who cry out to Him.

Moses was God's chosen leader of His people. God sent plagues on the Egyptians to force stubborn Pharoah to let His people go.

God lead them through the wilderness, a cloud by day and fire by night.

He made a way for them to cross the Red Sea safely!

When they had no more food God sent manna from heaven and water from a rock.

Sis Robin and I look forward to continuing the journey with the children as we 'camp out' with the Israelites on their way to the Promised Land. Have a happy and safe Easter.

Prov 29:25 'Whoso putteth his trust in the Lord shall be safe.' Good work Gabby, Peter, Lachlan H, Olivia, Lachlan D and Jer 33:3 'Call unto me and I will answer thee.' Lachlan D and Peter Yeah!!!!!

Monday, March 28, 2011

27th March A Baby is Saved

It is important that we know that we can trust God in all things. The children learnt how baby Moses was saved from a cruel king (Pharaoh) who wanted all the Israelite baby boys killed because he feared that they would rise up against him. Moses' mother told Miriam, his sister to hide Moses in a basket near the river.

Pharaoh's daughter came to the river to bathe and she found Moses and decided to adopt him and raise him in the palace as her son. Miriam came to her and asked if she could find someone to help the princess care for him. The princess agreed and Miriam brought her mother to the princess, she was able to care for her own son in safety from the king.

How good is our God that He knows exactly how to help us in times of trouble if we only trust Him!!

Saturday, March 26, 2011

lesson 4 20Th march This week we learned about the tower of Babel. A long time ago in the first book of the Bible things were very different from the way they are now. People lived longer and they couldn't travel around the world and every one spoke the same language. We learnt how the people thought they were so smart that they were like God. So they decided to build a tower to go all the way to the heaven. Now every body but God thought this was a good idea they didn't ask God " OH NO" ALL the children and the teachers built a tower out off big boxes, we all worked togetherto build the Tower of Babel. So God did something amazing What..... One morning when the people woke up to go to work they spoke to their neighbours but no one understood any one else. They were speaking different gibberish!!!. They couldn't work together as a team on the tower .The work on the tower stopped, the unfinished tower was called the 'Tower of Babel'. Why did this happen because the people forgot that God was in control. They forgot that everything belonged to God. They did not ask Him about their plans but tried to take control themselves. We all asked Jesus to take control of our lives. The activity this week was the Tower of Babel book. Evey one was given some pictures to colour in . They had to put the story in order and we helped them staple it together . Every week we go over the memory verse . This week Olivia knew her memory verse, well done Olivia!

Thursday, March 17, 2011

God's Camping Rules

When we go camping there are rules that we must obey so that we can enjoy the area around us, where we can light a fire safely, keeping the area clean etc. God has given us instructions on how He wants us to live in the beautiful world He has given us.
Last week we learnt about Noah, God gave Noah the words to tell the people that God wasn't happy with them because they did not obey Him, but they did not listen.
God's laws are there to protect us and keep us safe, Noah obeyed God and he was safe in the ark against the flood. We learnt that God will not forget His children.
Memory verses are a way we can keep God's words in our hearts, congratulations to Lachlan, Gabby, Peter and Hayden for learning their memory verse: "God saw everything that He had made, and behold it was very good" Gen 1:31.

Saturday, March 5, 2011

Camping on God's Land

Welcome to our Pre-School class 2011, this term our theme is 'Camping on God's Land'. Children love to go camping, it is exciting and full of things to do. We are learning about the beautiful world God has created for us to enjoy.

We have stories around the campfire and sing songs.

Please come and visit our room as the children, Sis Robin and I add to our camping theme each week.

God Bless

Sis Donna and Sis Robin

Monday, August 23, 2010

Little Sparks of Creativity

Here are some of the great and fun activities we have been doing in Sunday School lately with all our friends!